IAPK 2020 vol.4
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe 2020 vol.4
インターディシプリナリー・アート・プロジェクト・コウベ 2020 vol.4
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe(インターディシプリナリー・アート・プロジェクト・コウベ)4回目となる今回は、映像表現の地平を切り拓き、日本で最大規模の映像アートの祭典「イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル」のディレクターである山下宏洋氏によるセレクテッド・プログラムと実験映画に関するレクチャーを開催します。普段なかなか見ることができない貴重な実験映画を見ながら映像アートを紐解きます。
2020年9月5日(土) &12日(土)
2020年9月5日(土) 14:45開場/15:00開演(18:00終了予定)
15:15-16:15 イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル<東アジア・エクスペリメンタル・コンペティション>セレクテッド・プログラム:親密なディスタンス [A]
16:30-18:00 山下宏洋氏による実験映画に関するレクチャー:もう一つの映画・略史 [B]
前売1,500円 当日1,800円
※定員15名 (予約受付先着順)
イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル<東アジア・エクスペリメンタル・コンペティション>セレクテッド・プログラム:親密なディスタンス(4作品・67分) [A]
ロベルト 国本隆史/デジタル/18分/2018
くじらの湯 キヤマミズキ/デジタル/7分/2019
美しくあいまいな日本の私 トモトシ/デジタル/19分/2019
Compliance Level 0 韓成南/デジタル/23分/2018
ロベルト 国本隆史/デジタル/18分/2018
くじらの湯 キヤマミズキ/デジタル/7分/2019
美しくあいまいな日本の私 トモトシ/デジタル/19分/2019
2006年国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学卒(建築意匠専攻)。2016年に『フルーツとしてお金を売る』と『逆パノプティコン』を制作。2017年ゲンロン カオス*ラウンジ新芸術校修了。2018年に『セブンイレブンで、セブンイレブンを買う』を制作。2019年イメージフォーラム映像研究所修了。
Compliance Level 0 韓成南/デジタル/23分/2018
シングル・チャンネル、映像インスタレーション、AR作品の展示や映像×演劇×ダンスのアートパフォーマンス上演等、活動は多岐に渡る。2014年よりInterdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyoのディレクターを務め、2019年よりArt in Country of Tokyoを立ち上げる。国内外のアートフェスティバルで展示・発表を行っている。
山下宏洋氏による実験映画に関するレクチャー:もう一つの映画・略史 (約90分予定) [B]
イメージフォーラム Image Forum
2020年9月12日(土) 16:15開場/16:30開演 (19:00終了予定)
16:30-17:30 イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル・セレクテッド・プログラム上映会 [A]
17:30-19:00 IAPK韓成南によるトーク、Q&A、AR体験ワークショップ [C]
前売1,200円 当日1,500円
※定員15名 (予約受付先着順)
写真が動きだす、拡張現実(AR)体験ワークショップ [C]
韓成南 Sung Nam HAN
在日コリアン3世。神戸市生まれ。シングル・チャンネル、映像インスタレーション、AR作品の展示や“スーパーリニア”という概念をもとに制作した映像×演劇×ダンスのアートパフォーマンス上演等、活動は多岐に渡る。近年は、ブルーバックによるキーイングという映像合成技術を用いた鑑賞者参加型のインスタレーションや映像パフォーマンス作品、携帯電話、小型カメラやモニターを用いたウェアラブルな映像作品やポケッタブルな映像を見ることについて考察した作品を制作する。2014年よりInterdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyoのディレクターを務め、2019年よりArt in Country of Tokyoを立ち上げる。国内外のアートフェスティバルで展示・発表を行っている。
[メール] info@i-a-f-t.net or http://i-a-f-t.net/contact/
[お電話] 078-366-2636
元町映画館Motomachi Eigakan
tel: 078-366-2636
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK) 実行委員会
公益財団法人 神戸文化支援基金
令和2年度 神戸市 まちの再生・活性化に寄与する文化芸術創造支援助成対象事業
tel: 078-366-2636
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK) 実行委員会
more info: http://i-a-f-t.net
inquiry: http://i-a-f-t.net/contact/
Facebook Event Page:https://www.facebook.com/IAPKiapk/
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe(インターディシプリナリー・アート・プロジェクト・コウベ)について
神戸で定期的にワークショップや映像上映会、パフォーマンス、レクチャーなどのイベントを開催し、Interdisciplinary Artという観点で、枠組みを超えたからこそ属しきれない、実験的で先鋭的なアートを紹介します。歴史を再考しながら、現代アートによる国際文化交流を行い、神戸らしさとは何かを探求します。
English ver.
IAPK 2020 vol.4
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe 2020 vol.4
September 5th (Sat) &12th (Sat) 2020
September 5th (Sat)
14:45 Open 15:00 Start
1,500 yen|1,800 yen
“Image Forum Festival <East Asian Experimental Competition> Selected Program: Intimate Distance”
A Brief History of “The Other Cinema” by Koyo YAMASHITA
“Image Forum Festival <East Asian Experimental Competition> Selected Program: Intimate Distance” (4 works / 67min.)
Robert Takashi KUNIMOTO / digital / color / 18min. / 2018 / Germany
Bath House of Whales Mizuki KIYAMA / digital / color / 7min. / 2019 / Japan *No dialogue
Japan, the Beautiful or Ambiguous, and Ourselves TOMOTOSI / digital / 19min. / 2019 / Japan
Compliance Level 0 Sung Nam HAN / digital / 23min. / 2018 / Japan
Takashi KUNIMOTO / digital / color / 18min. / 2018 / Germany
camera, editor: KUNIMOTO Takashi / translation: ARNDT-KUNIMOTO Frauke
A homeless Polish man named Robert only appears during the summer in Brunswick, Germany, where the filmmaker lives. Three summer memories of their encounters.
Born in Kunitachi City, Tokyo. Made Travelling with Hibakusha: Across Generations (2010) which documented survivors of the atomic bombs bringing their testimony to the world. After being involved in artistic activities for youth with a multicultural background in Japan, moved to Germany as a result of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Now studying film at a German art school.
Bath House of Whales
Mizuki KIYAMA / digital / color / 7min. / 2019 / Japan *No dialogue
music: LEE Taeil / sound design, recording engineer: KAGATA Naoko
A bath wide like the sea, reflected in young eyes. An anima- tion based on the filmmaker’s memories of accompanying her mother, a person of Korean descent living in Japan, to the public baths.
Born in Osaka, Japan in 1992. Graduated from Kanazawa College of Art, Department of Fine Art, Oil Painting course in 2015. In 2019, received master’s degree from the Department of Animation at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media. Bath House of Whales (2019) was selected to the Graduation Films category, Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2019. On the Way Home (2018) screened International Short Film Festival Oberhausen.
Japan, the Beautiful or Ambiguous, and Ourselves
TOMOTOSI / digital / 19min. / 2019 / Japan
cast, camera, editor: TOMOTOSI / camera assistant: HARAKAWA-san, KUBOTA-kun, MUKAI-san
Six different performances by the filmmaker. Through his actions, the temporarily changing behaviors of big city dwellers is recorded.
Graduated with a BArch from Toyohashi University of Technology in 2006. Made Selling Money as Fruits and Reverse Panopticon in 2016. Completed a program at the Genron Chaos*Lounge New Art School in 2017. Made Buying a 7-Eleven at 7-Eleven in 2018. Completed a program at the Image Forum Institute of the Moving Image in 2019.
Compliance Level 0
Sung Nam HAN / digital / 23min. / 2018 / Japan
cast: HORII Ayaka, HIRABIKI Atsushi, IWAKURA Maaya / staff: KABEI Miyuki / translation: YAMAMOTO Azusa, Juri Akimoto
A temp worker makes a complaint to the human resources department at the large company to which they have been dispatched. A moving image work that makes us think about social issues such as irregular employment, the individual and large companies, and Koreans living in Japan in regard to the “organization people” who immediately apologize mechanically and whose thoughts themselves have become automatic like weak A.I. In a present when superficial knowledge can be obtained on the Internet, without being ignorant we must resist the preconceptions we believe because they are convenient for us. A moving image social experiment that asks how we can face social issues as individuals in circumstances in which it is difficult to get people to be aware of what these issues are before talking about them.
Sung Nam HAN
Director of Art in Country of Tokyo (AICOT) and Interdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyo (IAFT), Sung Nam HAN makes her artworks based on the theme of “What watching a video is,” such as interactive art installations made through a blue background editing method known as keying, wearable / pocketable video works that utilizes smartphones, small cameras or monitors. Also she exhibited AR works and doing art performances focus on the concept of “super linear” that combine video, play and dance. Her activities cover a wide range of areas.
A Brief History of “The Other Cinema” by Koyo YAMASHITA
Another history of films you would not usually see in the Cineplex. These films are outside the commercial sphere, and have been shown in film festivals, cinematheques, museums and galleries.
They are sometimes called “personal cinema” or “experimental cinema” and has a long history, almost as long as the history of cinema itself.
Koyo YAMASHITA (Film curator)
Born in Tokyo, Japan. Has been festival director of Image Forum Festival since 2001. Programmer of Theater Image Forum in Shibuya, Tokyo since 2005. Has been a guest programmer/curator for many film and media art festivals and film events in and outside Japan.
Image Forum
Image Forum established itself in the current form in February 1977. However its original activity started in 1971 under the name of “Underground Film Center” to screen and distribute experimental/independent/alternative films and videos.
Image forum is a non-profit organization and receives no grants from national or local governments. The running cost is solely covered by admissions to the cinematheque programs and festival, rental fee of the collected films and video, and tuitions for the film- and video-making school.
September 12th (Sat)
16:15 Open 16:30 Start
1,200 yen|1,500 yen
“Image Forum Festival <East Asian Experimental Competition> Selected Program: Intimate Distance”
Augmented Reality (AR) Workshop for beginners: From Stills to Moving Image by Sung Nam HAN
“Image Forum Festival <East Asian Experimental Competition> Selected Program: Intimate Distance” (4 works / 67min.)
Robert Takashi KUNIMOTO / digital / color / 18min. / 2018 / Germany
Bath House of Whales Mizuki KIYAMA / digital / color / 7min. / 2019 / Japan *No dialogue
Japan, the Beautiful or Ambiguous, and Ourselves TOMOTOSI / digital / 19min. / 2019 / Japan
Compliance Level 0 Sung Nam HAN / digital / 23min. / 2018 / Japan
Augmented Reality (AR) Workshop for beginners: From Stills to Moving Image by Sung Nam HAN
Sung Nam HAN
Director of Art in Country of Tokyo (AICOT) and Interdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyo (IAFT), Sung Nam HAN makes her artworks based on the theme of “What watching a video is,” such as interactive art installations made through a blue background editing method known as keying, wearable / pocketable video works that utilizes smartphones, small cameras or monitors. Also she exhibited AR works and doing art performances focus on the concept of “super linear” that combine video, play and dance. Her activities cover a wide range of areas.
Venue: Motomachi Eigakan
Presented by Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK) executive committee
Presented by Motomachi Eigakan
Supported by Kobe Culture Support Foundation
Supported by Citizens Fund Kobe
Supported by Hyogo Prefecture Art and Cultural Activity Opportunity Promotion Project 2020
Supported by FY2020 Kobe City Grant for Cultural, Artistic and Creative Programs that Contribute to Community Revitalization
Motomachi Eigakan
tel: 078-366-2636
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK) executive committee
more info: http://i-a-f-t.net
inquiry: http://i-a-f-t.net/contact/
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/IAPKiapk/
Representative/General Director: Sung Nam HAN