South Sour Water / Performance and Visual Art Festival- Body Roaming: IAFT Video Live, Human Shaped Theatre Exhibition of Japan

South Sour Water / Performance and Visual Art Festival-
Body Roaming: IAFT Video Live, Human Shaped Theatre Exhibition of Japan

Shuhei Nishiyama_South Sour Water1  Shuhei Nishiyama_South Sour Water2

Sung Nam HAN_South Sour Water1  Sung Nam HAN_South Sour Water2

Gekidan Shiki_South Sour Water1  Gekidan Shiki_South Sour Water2

Venue:水谷藝術 Waley Art

July 21st-Aug 5th, 2018

Sour Water, Noun.

Noun. Including but not only means the entity or abstract words. Could become subject term, object term. Even can effect by numeral or measure word to rhetoric, or made up with preposition to become Prepositional phrase.

‘’Sour’’ and ‘’Water’’ is two different element in the Five basic element when it’s separated. The smell and characteristic of ‘’Sour’’ is the attributes of ‘’wood’’ in the Five basic element, which can stretch, grow, and movement. ‘’Water’’ is one of the Five basic element, which have been mention by the classic literature ‘’Bai Hutong’’ in Han Dynasty: In the northern waters, all things are hidden, and water is polluted by muddy water, and smells decay.

‘’Sour Water’’ is proper nouns, which means ‘’ Gastric juice‘’. The important mechanism for maintaining human digestion, in the normal situation we will not smell or taste the sour water. But when people got sick, felling stress, ate too much or been poison. People will throw up the sour water because of the illness, passing through the throat and infringement esophagus at the same time.

Such as, when body have been training and constraints; like when people who tame by society and thinking one-dimensionality will not spill the sour water. But when people cannot control and resist the physiological response, and see or smell others throw up the sour water, will also fell uncomfortable. Makes sour water became something nausea. The action of throw up can see as the meaning of disturbance the harmony field.

The end of 80s and the beginning of 90s in Taiwan, evolve an experiment path which extend from theatre, photography, ideas and performance art ect. cross-domain area. Also collide and resist form epoch, society, and government machine Since martial law to the internet body now days. In this exhibition, will metaphor the body collide and resist by sour water. Tried to explore the different visual body through experiment video/animates, visual arts, performance arts and music in the south city area. To see through the way how cross domain arts create by body awareness, action and performance in Asia.

Organized by Waleyart
Co-organized by Acid house (Taiwan), Interdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyo (IAFT) (Japan), AWAS! (A Weekend of Animation Shorts) (Malaysia), Gallery Mcube (Nepal)
Supported by Ministry Of Culture, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government


South Sour Water / Performance and Visual Art Festival-
Body Roaming: IAFT Video Live , Human Shaped Theatre Exhibition of Japan.

藝術家Artist |
2018年 7月21日 – 8月5日
開幕暨講座與表演Opening, Lecture and Performance|
2018年 7月21日(六) 17:30
水谷藝術 (108台北市萬華區萬大路322巷6號)









總監 / 總策劃者:韓成南Sung Nam HAN
官方E-Mail: info(a)


“案例集:Gendaichi Kosuke #2 -渦輪大廳的詛咒!”
2013 東京 森美術館 71分54秒
由藝術家岡田裕子領導,会田誠擔任顧問的人偶劇團GEKIDAN★SHIKI,旨在創造極具實驗性的表演。劇團成員由各式非特定族群組成,如藝術家、藝術相關科系學生到家庭主婦及兒童等皆為成員之一。以多樣化表演形象著名的他們,由橫濱的壽屋町公園、街邊的露天公共表演起,足跡遍布至立陶宛維爾紐斯當代藝術中心及東京森美術館,各式的創作演出不僅突破傳統框架,亦賦予人偶戲劇新的生命。2015年夏天,他們於東京都現代美物館舉辦的《兒童藝術展 – 這是誰的地方?》展覽中,以“会田家(会田誠,岡田裕子,会田寅次郎)”的身分展示人偶。該人偶劇團GEKIDAN★SHIKI亦計劃出版流行人偶劇小說《案例集:Gendaichi Kosuke》。

書籍訂購網站: = 1143

【西山 修平 Shuhei Nishiyama】
TBC 2018
影像裝置Video installation

西山 修平個人網站

【韓成南 Sung Nam HAN】
Blue Back Hole Taiwan 2018
影像裝置Video installation
做為數位藝術家及本屆東京跨領域藝術節總監,韓成南擅長以語言、顏色、聲音及圖像等符號學,結合衝突性視覺效果的方法進行創作。他的作品由影像製作,逐漸延伸至裝置及藝術表演領域,探索著人類/性/宗教組成的社會規範。韓成南的許多作品亦曾播映於多個韓國國內及國際間的電影節,如首爾實驗電影節、首爾新媒體藝術節[媒體藝術家獎]、瑞士洛桑地下電影及音樂節,與戴特莫爾德國際短片電影節等;做為無政府藝術組織《亞細亞安那其連線》於日本東京都藝術村開幕影片;亦曾在MORI YU藝廊、位在南韓光州的亞洲文化中心等地展出。

韓成南 個人網站:


South Sour Water / Performance and Visual Art Festival
策展單位 : 水谷藝術Waley Art
協同單位 :酸屋Acid House (台灣), AWAS! a weekend of animation shorts(馬來西亞), Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film、Video & Music Festival (KLEX)(馬來西亞), Interdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyo(日本), M Cule(尼泊爾)

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