オルタナティブ人形劇団「劇団★死期」the Alternative Puppet Theatre GEKIDAN★SHIKI
美術家の岡田裕子主宰、会田誠を顧問とし、極めて実験的なパフォーマンスを模索する人形劇団。団員は不特定多数でアーティスト、美大生から主婦、子どもまで。公園での野外公演、横浜のドヤ街寿町での路上パフォーマンスから、リトアニア現代美術館、森美術館での公演・展示などまで、人形劇の枠を飛び出して実に多様な活動を展開する神出鬼没の団体として知られている。2015 年夏、東京都現代美術館「ここは誰の場所?」展で、「会田家(会田誠・岡田裕子・会田寅次郎)」として人形達を展示。
書籍予約ページアドレス http://artdiver.moo.jp/?p=1143
劇団HP http://gekishiki.daa.jp
Under the direction of artist OKADA Hiroko, with AIDA Makoto as an adviser, the Alternative Puppet Theatre GEKIDAN★SHIKI is a puppet theatre company which seeks to create extremely experimental performances. It has a large unspecified number of members, from artists and art students to housewives and children. From open-air public performances in parks or on the street in the flophouse area of Kotobuki-cho in Yokohama, to performances and exhibitions at the Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius, Lithuania, and the Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, they are known for being elusive: the great variety of their activities breaks out of the conventional frame of puppet theatre. In summer 2015 they will participate as the “Aida Family (AIDA Makoto, OKADA Hiroko, AIDA Torajiro)” to exhibit puppets in the show “An Art Exhibition for Children – Whose place is this?” at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo.
The publication is also planned of the Alternative Puppet Theatre GEKIDAN★SHIKI’s novel of popular puppet theatre, “The Murder Museum of Gendaichi Kosuke”.
Publication webpage: http://artdiver.moo.jp/?p=1143
Theatre company homepage: http://gekishiki.daa.jp
オルタナティブ人形劇団「劇団★死期」 森美術館にて