Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe 2019 vol.1

IAPK 2019 vol.1
Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe 2019 vol.1
インターディシプリナリー・アート・プロジェクト・コウベ 2019 vol.1

Interdisciplinary Artという観点で、枠組みを超えたからこそ属しきれない、実験的で先鋭的なアートを紹介してきたインターディシプリナリー・アート・フェスティバル・トウキョウが、神戸で新しいプロジェクトを発足します。IAFTは、5年間、東京をはじめとしてソウル、光州、台北、高雄、シンガポール、クアラルンプールで展示・発表し、大変好評を博しました。Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK)では、神戸で定期的にARワークショップや映像上映会、パフォーマンスなどを行います。

2019年5月4日(土) &5日(日)  2日間 May 4th (Sat) &5th (Sun) 2019 2-day

開場 OPEN:14:30

■15:00〜:映像上映プログラム Screening Program「IAPK 2019 vol.1」


Takahiko IIMURA, MAKING AN AUDIENCE, 12min., 2006/2013

A performer stands with his back turned to the camera. He begins to speak to a shadow image of himself projected on the screen. Playing a double role; that is, a spectator and a performer – he discovers ‘the other’ within his own shadow. Besides him, he hears the voice of a female spectator – not shown in the image.
This work recreates the space of cinema mediated by images, by deconstructing the structure of a spectator/performer, and a viewer/viewed in the theatrical space.

Sook Hyun KIM, You’d be Nowhere, 26’30”, 2016

The girl who spends her days with a busy schedule falls into a strange world. She experiences a variety of viewpoints, learns rules, and observes the behavior of various types of human beings. However, she is dissatisfied with everything and only wants to get away from that world. Then, will this girl dispel her anxiety that she might disappear from that world and achieve the growth of questioning ‘herself in this wonderland’?

Shuhei NISHIYAMA, timestrip, 7′, 2016

To record time itself. It isn’t an objective record of phenomenon but a record having a variable length of time because a person
who sees the work enters into the video.

the Alternative Puppet Theatre GEKIDAN★SHIKI, Casebook of Gendaichi Kosuke #2: The Curse of Turbine Hall!, 20′, 2013/2019
オルタナティブ人形劇団「劇団★死期」監督「ゲンダイチ・コースケの事件簿#2 恐怖!!タービン・ホールの呪い!!」20分、2013/2019年

オルタナティブ人形劇団「劇団★死期」は、現代美術家の岡田裕子が主宰、会田誠が顧問を務め、2010年に結成された。上映作品は、シリーズ2作目「ゲンダイチ・コースケの事件簿#2 恐怖!!タービン・ホールの呪い!!」の公演の様子で、東京の森美術館における、現代美術家・会田誠個展「天才でごめんなさい」会期中に同会場にて上演されたものだ。
Alternative puppet theater Gekidan★Shiki was formed in 2010, organized by contemporary artist Hiroko Okada and supervised by Makoto Aida. he video shows the second part of the series, “Casebook of Gendaichi Kosuke #2: The Curse of the Turbine Hall!”, which was performed at the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo as part of contemporary artist Makoto Aida’s retrospective “Monument for Nothing”.

Sung Nam HAN, Wearing You, 6min 30sec., 2016

2015年9月に行われたアートパフォーマンス「あなたを纏う:Bar Drama vol.4」の中から、俳優の動き、声、身体等にフォーカスし再構成した映像作品。
“Wearing You:Bar Drama vol.4″ was performed as multimedia audio visual art performance in September 2015. It is edited and mixed to focus on performer’s details such as behavior, voice, body etc. and then reborn a new video art work.


■16:30〜:韓成南によるパフォーマンス Art Performance by Sung Nam HAN

「Revealing Collective Unconscious」(リビーリング・コレクティブ・アンコンシャス)

The work utilizing the characteristics of photography as a medium that evokes memories, and video as a medium without materiality that disappears over time. It will comprise short videos that “read” photographic works installed in the gallery. This video work presents a new means of appreciating art in which respective videos combine together to form a kind of puzzle.

■18:30~:IAPKキックオフ交流会 IAPK 2019 vol.1 kickoff Party


会場 Venue
元町映画館2F Motomachi Eigakan 2F
〒650-0022 神戸市中央区元町通4丁目1-12
tel: 078-366-2636

料金 Ticket

[メール] or
[お電話] 078-366-2636(元町映画館)

Facebook Event Page:

主催:Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK) 実行委員会
Presented by Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK) executive committee


Motomachi Eigakan


助成:公益財団法人 神戸文化支援基金
Supported by Kobe Culture Support Foundation


tel: 078-366-2636

Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe (IAPK) 実行委員会
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